Gravitational feed band saws

Do you need high-quality machines for cutting metal elements such as a band saw for your company? Cormak company offers you cutters whith high efficiency and very simple operating control system.  In our offer you will find smart, compact models - band saw machines for cutting vertically, horizontally to the axis of the cut material or at any angle in the range from 45 to 90 degrees. Moreover, we offer advanced NC cutting systems working automatically. Modern class devices are equipped with a hydraulic system- it supports entire automation of device. For all our machines available in offer it is a guarantee. For our customers we offer professional training, leading by our experienced specialists and engineers in our company or at the client's company. If the band saw machine will be a new device in your company, please feel free to contact us- we will help you to choose machine which meets your needs. 

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Gravitational feed band saws

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